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Last Thursday, the Eco- Committee went on a trip to visit Elmbridge Community Eco Hub. Michael Tumilty led us around the allotment beds filled with vegetables,  showed us the drought resistant plants in the flower bed and a fairly new pond already established with newts and dragon flies. All this has been achieved in the last 3 years and really inspired us for what we could do in our own school grounds next year.  Inside the Eco Hub there is even more happening with a book swap area , community kitchen and a library of things, where people can borrow things such as carpet cleaners rather than buying one themselves. We were proud to hand over all the plastic stationary we have collected over the past six weeks and know that this will now be recycled rather than going into landfill. Many thanks to The Elmbridge Community Hub for spending time answering our questions and inspiring us. Another big thank you to the parent volunteers who accompanied us. For more photos click here.