Learning Support including SEND
In line with our school mission statement, it is the aim of the school to provide the appropriate support to help all children. We fulfil our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 enabling all children to fulfil their potential in our community of Learners, Believers and Friends.
You can find out more about our school's admission arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities in our Admissions Page.
SEND documents
You can find the Xavier SEND policy here.
Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary School: Provision Map
Special Educational Need and Disabilities Information Report
SEND Code of Practice (January 2015 - Department for Education, Department of Health)
Surrey Local Offer - online hub for 0-25 year olds with special needs or a disability.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo): Mrs D Rivans
Telephone: 01932 222536
Email: drivans@cardinalnewmanschool.co.uk
School Address: Arch Road, Hersham, Surrey KT12 4QT