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Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Please look below for resources for Social, Mental and Emotional Health:

Emotion Coaching


Please find the presentation here and graphic here from the Emotion Coaching session on 13th March 2024. 




Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service

Sleep and why it matters

Please click here for information on Sleep and why it matters. More videos can be found on the Childrens Health Surrey website here

National Sleep Helpline: We are here to help

At any given time up to 40% of adults and 50% of children (this rises to 80% with a SEND diagnosis) have difficulties with their sleep. Yet in a recent survey, almost 60% of adults felt there was a lack of support for sleep issues. Sleep problems can leave people feeling isolated and lonely. 

Our free helpline is run by trained sleep advisors, many of whom are specialists in working with SEND. We can talk to young people directly, or parents (we can also talk to adults, including older people, about their sleep issues). 

The helpline is open 5 times a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday evenings 7-9pm, and Monday, Wednesday mornings 9-11am. The number is 03303 530 541. 

You can read more here:


Separation Anxiety

Mindworks have pulled together some ideas here that parents and young people can try out at home to overcome their fears and worries.

Supporting Anxiety 


Supporting Anxiety for Primary Parents - YouTube

Dr. Ali D'Amario, Educational and Child Psychologist, Xavier Trust has created this session which looks at understanding anxiety and support strategies for parents to use with primary aged children.

Fantastic Fred Experience

Please click on the link to watch a video from the Fantastic Fred experience. The video is a preventative and educational mental health resource delivered in an interactive and memorable way. 

Information on parent workshops

Please see flyer here and links below of next year’s parent workshops from the Surrey Wellbeing Partnership Team- part of Mindworks Surrey.

Sibling rivalry, healthy gaming habits, dealing with meltdowns and anxiety

Parents may find this useful. It has a very comprehensive range of information  including sibling rivalry, healthy gaming habits, dealing with meltdowns and anxiety. Please click here

Free Crisis Line

Mindworks Surrey

There is a free 24/7 mental health crisis line for children aged from six years, young people and their families/carers who are in crisis. Please call 0800 915 4644 to talk with a professional who will provide advice, support and signposting to a range of community services. It’s open all day and all night, seven days a week.

The CYPS crisis line can be used by everyone aged 6 and above in Surrey.

The number 0800 915 4644 is the same telephone number as the adult mental health crisis line – simply select option one.

Please click here for the Mindsworks information flyer.